Sunday, February 11, 2007

Mankato Chess Club Website

Greetings Everyone;

Be advised the new website for the Mankato Chess Club has changed.

I will try to update the links for the new address as soon as possible. Be advised the Mankato site is being consolidated with the Texas website. The reason for the consolidation arose out of necessity and convenience. The consolidation will be hosted at new site.

My domain expired on Feb. 8 2007, without my knowing the expiration was approaching. Said domain was purchased several years ago using a yahoo email which I no longer use. Consequently, I could not be reached to be informed of the impending expiration. Furthermore, I have been thinking of purchasing a more appropriate domain.

Why Italian? Flores is Spanish for flowers and fiore is Italian for flower. Hence, I decided to use the Italian language as I have mulled opening a pizzeria where patrons could enjoy great pizza and a good game of chess.

I invite you to visit our new sight and consider registering so you can be a part of our chess growth. More importantly, I respectfully request that you please help us spread the word of our new website.

Thank you for your indulgence and kind attention!

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