Monday, February 19, 2007

114th Annual Minnesota Open

Good afternoon! The site is very busy today, as I am sure everyone is looking for details about this weekend's tournament.

So far, the only source of published information that I am aware of is on the Chess Castle website. It provides a report on the Premier section, in which IM Victor Adler won with a score of 4.5 with his victory over Master Ed Zelkind in Round Five.

If anyone would like to add details about this section or any other sections, please email me at:

joe [dot] coffeefreak [at] gmail [dot] com

and I will add you as an author for this blog. It would be great to hear the perspective of a few players.

(I am working on my own personal report on my blog at Java Joe Chess.)

1 comment:

  1. I have a question about the Chess Castel. Are the Monday night Quads still rated???
