3rd Annual Okoboji Winter Games
Scholastic Tournament
Arrowwood Resort and Conference Center
1405 Highway 71 S
Okoboji, IA 51355
See Map
January 24, 2009
5 Rounds Swiss Sys; Unrated Game/25; Rds: 10:00a, 11:10a, 1:30p, Rounds 4 & 5 to 15 minutes after the previous round ends.
Entry Fee: $7 if received by January 14, 2009; $10 onsite registration fee. Registration: 9:00a-9:45a.
Trophies: 1st place trophy for each section - Primary (K-3), Elementary (4-5), Middle School (6-8) and High School (9-12). 2nd and 3rd place medals to also be awarded in each section. Top female is to be awarded a trophy and second best female to be awarded a medal. All players are to play in their own division or up; only one section trophy to be awarded per individual. Sections may be combined or grades shuffled to accommodate turnout numbers. Female players may win top female and section trophies. Other gifts and/or prizes may be awarded.
Make Checks payable and mail to Jodene Kruse at 934 6th St, Sibley, IA 51249, or email jodene77©yahoo.com.
Click Flyer for flyer/registration form (click on blue arrow to view/download).
USCF online TLA now available for the 3rd Annual Okoboji Open.
Look for the March and April issues of Chess Life for the print TLA. Below is a copy of the proof for those issues.
Apr. 24-26 or 25-26, 3rd Annual Okoboji Open GM Alex Yermolinsky to Play and Hold Lecture & Simul 5SS, G/2, Arrowwood Resort & Conference Center, 1405 Highway 71 S, Okoboji, IA 51355. An Iowa Qualifying Points Event. EF: $40 by 4/24 or $50 at site. Sr/Jr's $25 by 4/24 or $35 at site. GMs and IMs Free Entry. Memb. Req'd: $15 (Jr/Sr $10). OSA. USCF reqd. $$b/50 Full Entries: Sr/Jr entry count as half. $300-200-100-50. U1900 $175-100-50, U1600 $150-75-50, U1300 $75-50, U1000/Unr $75-50. Trophies to 1st, top female, top Sr. and top Jr. ½ pt bye any round if req. before rd. 2. Rds: 3-Day Option 4/24 6:00, 4/25 9:00-4:30, 4/26 9:00-2:30; 2-Day Option 4/25 9:00-1:00-4:30, 4/26 9:00-2:30. Reg: 4/24 5:00-5:45 and 4/25 9:00-9:45. Satellite locations may be available for 1st rd, see website for details. HR: $89 by April 10. 1-800-727-4561, mention Chess group. ENT: Jodene Kruse, 934 6th St, Sibley, IA 51249. INFO: jodene77@yahoo.com. www.fiorechess.org. NS NC W. WCL JGP.
To view/download flyer go to Okoboji Open Flyer.